⭐ Vision

Bringing feelings into organisations x to let humans to be human at work

Through working on interpersonal skills (aka soft skills*) we, humans, will be better equipped to create workplaces that support and allow people to thrive. This isn’t a management club, or executive training. It’s a place for anyone on the hierarchy -

The School of Feels is a place where you can work with people on how to be with and collaborate.

*“Soft skills” aren’t soft, easy.

📣 Manifesto



📝 Microcourses

These are snippets of information with some activities and resources for you to dive deeper and learn more.

Creating teams with psychological safety

Next up.. but not limited to Mindful Meetings / Inspiring Leaders / Financial Freedom/ Happy Startups with an Excite Strategy / Navigating Conflict / Trauma-informed Collaboration

<aside> ⚠️ Calling for contributors who would like to add their content, videos or inspiration here. Get in touch at [email protected]


🥕Library of Feels